What is the Best Weight for a Tripawd Cat or Dog?
Watch vet expert Dr. Robin Downing explain how to find the best weight for a Tripawd cat or dog, and how to know when they get there.
Watch vet expert Dr. Robin Downing explain how to find the best weight for a Tripawd cat or dog, and how to know when they get there.
A new study shows how overweight Tripawds cost more money overall, for pet insurance companies and pet parents.
This weight gain supplement for cats and dogs can keep your Tripawd hydrated and at a stable weight when inappetence happens.
Getting started with a safe Tripawd weight loss plan sounds confusing, but Tripawds Foundation’s free rehab program can help.
Lady’s Tripawd weight loss success story shows that with dedication and your vet’s guidance, you can help your three-legged dog or cat lose weight safely.
Dr. Alex Avery shares pet weight loss tips and how to check a pet’s weight at home without using a scale.
Tripawd weight loss is a team effort. Here’s our number one tip to help your three-legged hero lose weight and stay strong.