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Clyde’s Two Year Survival Tale and Holistic Osteosarcoma Treatment Protocol

Have you read about Clyde’s amazing canine osteosarcoma survival story?

We are 2 years and 3 months post op with No chemo at all  . . .
I am happy to say with the right diet, a positive outlook,
and three loving humans; Clyde has not only survived but also thrived.

With a holistic approach to his cancer therapy regimen, this eight year old, Great Dane/Bloodhound/Shepard Mix Tripawd is beating the odds and loving every minute! His pawrents have been kind enough to explain the details Clyde’s holistic osteosarcoma fight. This is how they do it:

Clyde’s Holistic Dog Cancer Supplements

Artemisinin: 2 tablets 2 twice a day with fish oils. We are doing 11 days on, 3 days off. (See: “What’s All this Talk About Artemisinin?)

Beta 1,3/ 1,6-d Glucans: For Clyde, he needs 100mg 2Xday for 6 weeks. Then a  maintenance dose of 25mg 2Xday for rest of life. I have also read we could also increase the dosage to 500mg 4xday.

Petlife:  100cc X 3 times a day for a couple of month then down to 100cc once a day.

Vascustatin To starve the blood supply to the tumor. For Osteosarcoma it is recommended  to double the regular dose until blood work comes back. We did 4 capsules twice a day for a 6 months and are down to 2 once a day.

Avemar or AWGE to help destroy any tumors (I know this is not 100% accurate, but always worth a go). It says he needs 1 packet a day for 60 days. Then 30 days in a row every 3 months. I know this is shipped cold and needs to be consumed within 30 minutes of mixing with his embark dog food.

IP-6 & Inositol 2 capsules 2X day. 800mg IP-6 and 220mg of Inositol. Each meal.

Immune Support from both the Vitamin shoppe and Lindberg Nutrition. One has AHCC and the other Beta Glucans.

Embark: Grain Free Holistic Food by The Honest Kitchen. 2.5 cups a day mixed with AWGE and WARM chicken broth. (See more Honest Kitchen food posts).

Fungi Perfecti – Host Defense MyCommunity Extract: This is a multi anti cancer mushroom cocktail. We are adding a couple of drops to their food.

K-9 Immunity Plus. Clyde is over 100 lbs so we have to go with the large tablets. He gets two a day in his meals.

Pancreatic Enzymes: Building up to 3-4 a day at 500mg a piece.

Fish Oil: We are using wild caught salmon oil in the Embark food and supplementing with fish oil tablets.

Omega 3′s: Also fish oil based. 3 a day at 1500mg. Home cooked chicken breast daily. occasional wild caught salmon

CO-Q10: 1 capsule at 100mg a twice a day

Tumeric: 300MG twice a day.

We also include 5 pellets of Helka Lava in Clyde’s food.

We decided to forgo any flea and tick medicine. We have diatomaceous  earth in case of fleas. We also roast a little garlic to put in their food… I know the  information on garlic is mixed but they handle it well. We did have to breakdown this summer after 9 months of no flea or tick drops and give Herman and Clyde Advantage to get rid of a nasty flea infestation. It took multiple flea washing with citrus and natural oils to get rid of the fleas only to find them again a week later… so we put the advantage on and they have been gone ever since.  But we have only used it once in 16 months

We have also placed water stones in their water to positively charge the  water. I know this is the most out there stuff we are trying but we are fighting the good fight and it appears to be making a difference.

Recommended Reading

We also have a low dose radiation stone hanging around Clyde’s neck. This information came from the book “Because People Are Dying.”  I honestly believe this is helping as much as anything we are doing.

Path with Paws: a Mini-Protocol for Any Cancer

Tripawds Nutrition Blog: Watch Helpful Dog Cancer Videos on Dr. Dressler’s Research Channel

Dog Cancer TV: All Natural, Homeopathic & Holistic Approaches to Dog Cancer Care

Dog Cancer TV: Osteosarcoma

Avemar Nutritional Cancer Supplement

Path with Paws: Artemisinin, When Cancer Cells Kill Themselves

Alternative Therapies for Canine Cancer

I have also read these books.

Dog Cancer: The Holistic Answer: A Step by Step Guide

The Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Cancer in Dogs

Hopefully this protocol continues to help Clyde thrive.  (knock on wood) and hopefully whoever reads this will find the same protocol useful themselves.  I can not answer to whether or not Chemo is the way to go, because we never did any… but that is up to you, and whatever gives you peace of mind.

We decided not to subject Clyde to those chemicals and decided to only up his natural immune fighting ability.  We honestly believe the stones are making a difference in his water and the one hanging around his neck… but you would have to read the book to see if it is the correct decision for you and your family.

I am not a doctor nor do I guarantee anything here, I just know that it has really helped us give Clyde the exact same life he had before we had a leg removed.  I do however have a degree in biology so I have a basic understanding of the science behind this protocol and just hope it continues to be successful and hopefully helps others who dont want to give up on their buddy/family members.

I hope this can help you as much if not more than it has helped us and more importantly helped Clyde.

Please be aware that we are not veterinarians. The information presented here is not meant to be construed as medical advice or guidance, nor should it be substituted for professional veterinary assistance. Always discuss any remedies and treatments you wish to pursue with your veterinarian. Tripawds is a user-supported community; all purchases made here help us continue providing resources and support to our Tripawd families. Thanks for shopping at Tripawds!

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