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Get the Scoop: Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results are In!

Tripawds Nation, thanks for sharing your dog and cat diet choices with us. The 2019 Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results are in and what a great opportunity to learn what everyone is feeding their dogs and cats. We think you’ll find everyone’s feedback so fascinating!

The 2019 Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results Rundown

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

Here’s the scoop: We received 52 responses from 48 Tripawd dog parents, and 4 feline parents. Here’s a snapshot of their responses:

Kibble? Raw? Home Cooked? Here’s What Tripawds are Eating.

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

Considering that most people join Tripawds because cancer caused their animal to lose a limb, the majority of pet parents are still comfortable feeding conventional store bought food to their Tripawd.

Interesting diet choices people noted included:

“We follow a prey model diet

“rotesserie chicken mixed with Taste of the Wild Beef kibble”

“She gets 3/4 raw + 1/4 kibble along with goat’s milk, fish stock, pollock oil, and cbd oil”

Dr. Dresslers diet

Blackhawk bikkies – lamb and verge”

Only a few said they feed raw food diets, but multiple people feed their Tripawd The Honest Kitchen pet food, and more than one mentioned Purina ProPlan and grain-free brands like Blue Buffalo.

Is there One Voice That Impacts Your Choice of Pet Food?

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

By far, most of us are basing our choices on articles we read about pet food. We’re empowering ourselves and doing our own research to decide what to feed our Tripawd dogs and cats. But we don’t disregard our our veterinarian’s recommendations either, they come in a close second.

“I try to find the food with the least processed ingredients”

Whole Dog Journal, The Dog Advisor,”

“I watch the recall sites and others for reviews on food quality,”

Did a Cancer Diagnosis Affect Your Pet Food Choices?

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

It seems that most of us choose to keep our pet’s diet consistent even after a cancer diagnosis. This makes sense, since most oncologists advise not to change a thing if our Tripawd is going through chemotherapy.

“I immediately changed to black hawk biscuits and nutriplus dog roll”

“I changed to raw (more because I thought it would make her happier) with some supplements that are supposed to fight cancer. And I cut out some things that are supposed to feed cancer cells.”

“More protein, no wheat, soy or grains.”

“Did a lot more home cooking. Used Honest Kitchen a lot also.”

Are Our Tripawds Fit? Here’s What We Think.

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

The responses indicate that our impressions of our Tripawds’ weight are right in line with current pet weight trends. What a great thing to see that the Tripawds Nation is aware of our pet’s body condition! 3-paws up people!

Does Your Vet Talk About Pet Weight Loss and Nutrition?

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

Pet obesity is on the rise, and nobody sees the results more clearly than our vets. But the sad fact is, most of us report that our vets just aren’t talking about it with us. Why? Mainly because of the many obstacles vets face when discussing pet obesity with clients. From pet parents in denial about their “fluffy” dog or cat, to the lack of formal pet nutrition training veterinarians receive, talking about diet and nutrition with clients is tough for vets.

Do We Actually Follow Our Vet’s Pet Nutrition Advice?

Tripawds Nutrition Survey Results

Ah! Veterinarians should be so happy to learn that when they do make the big move to talk about our pet’s weight and diet with us, the majority of us are happily taking their suggestions for better weight management! This is a clear indicator that we look to our veterinary medical team for this kind of advice — and respect it when it’s given.

“Have cut back on the amt of food I give him. Less treats, too.”

“My vet recommended taking my dog off of grain free food because of the Taurine issue but since there is not research proving the connection and my dog is doing well with it, I refuse to change. She is also against giving my dog CBD which I strongly disagree with.”

“I’d like to find a vet that knows about pet nutrition, that isn’t trying to promote whatever prescription food they sell. Still looking for that vet.”

“Only advice was to keep her below her presurgery weight to protect her joints in her remaining legs.”

“vet said our dog was perfect!”

“My Vet usually asks me for nutrition advice. She was so impressed with how fantastic my dogs always looked she transitioned to a raw diet as well”

“I’ve always kept my dogs lean. It’s the owners responsibility to control their pets weight.

Based on the fascinating feedback we received, one thing is clear: the Tripawds Nation cares deeply about the food that our pets consume.

Pet food has come a long way in the last decade, and it sure has a long way to go until we can all feel 100 percent confident that our pets are eating the healthiest foods possible, even if it comes in a bag or can.

Until that day, we can all learn so much from each other by starting Tripawds Forum topics about Eating healthy and also making it a point to talk with our veterinarians about the kinds of foods that will keep our pets active, fit and healthy for their entire lives. We owe it to them.

Thanks to everyone who took time to share this enlightening information.

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