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Tripawd Ella has Fun with her Pet Food Dispenser Puzzle

All pets can benefit from a pet food dispenser puzzle, especially Tripawds like Ella.


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Tripawds Have Fun with Pet Food Dispenser Puzzles

Ella’s new boredom buster brain game challenges her every day at chow time!

Each month, one dog is chosen to receive a Kaiserin Pet Cancer Care Package. Last month, it was Ella.

kaiserin care package

All Tripawd dogs who receive a package get a Nina Ottosson By Outward Hound – Interactive Puzzle Game Dog Toy. Ella got one too and discovered how much fun they can be.

This intermediate level 2 interactive puzzle is loaded with obstacles and combinations of steps. Each hunting action keeps dogs focused and mentally-stimulated. Searching and sniffing out tasty treats is more exciting than ever!

  • FLIP, LIFT, & SLIDE TO HIDE TREATS: Comes with 3 types of treat hiding compartments to test your Tripawd’s brain game skills! Flip lid compartments open, then slide to reveal two separate treat hiding spots. The removable brick bones hide a third hidden compartment for an extra challenge.

Here’s a fun review video:

Tripawd Cats Egg-Cersize, Too!

The lucky Trikitty recipients of the Kaiserin Pet Cancer Care Package get to work their brains too. Each package includes a PetSafe FUNKitty Egg Cersizer Interactive Toy and Food Dispenser.

cat food treat dispenser
The Egg-cersizer encourages cats to work for food.

This interactive food game for cats is an excellent way to get them moving. When a Tripawd cat works for food, keeping extra pounds off is easier.

  • ENRICH: Watch your cat’s natural instincts come alive. The egg shape makes it roll wonky and wobbly, creating more stimulation.
  • EXERCISE: Combine mealtime with exercise. Improved weight loss and less risk of obesity follows!
  • PERSONALIZE: Features adjustable kibble openings. You control how quickly your cat gets food.
  • IMPROVE DIGESTION: This pet food dispenser puzzle slows down eager eaters. The Egg-Cersizer distributes meals into several smaller portions. This makes dinner easier on your cat’s stomach.
  • VERSATILE: Use it for fun with treats. Or, feed daily meals with this toy.

Brain games are one of the best ways to help a new Tripawd recover. Working a dog or cat’s mind instead of their body is much more beneficial while trying to heal from amputation surgery. Later in life, interactive brain games are fantastic ways to keep geriatric senior pets engaged and mentally sharp.


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