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How CBD Helps Tripawds: Aksel’s Story

In the coming year, you’ll hear more about the benefits of CBD for Tripawds (and other pets). Breakthrough studies about medical cannabis are coming at us with record speed, and we’ll do our best to keep you informed of the newest science.

Meanwhile, we want to share more examples of Tripawds who have been helped by CBD. We’re kicking it off with the beautiful Aksel Rose.

German Shepherd Tripawd

You may remember Aksel’s Tripawd Tuesday spotlight. Her mom Katherine recently told us how Aksel is benefitting from a CBD product made by CBD BioCare. She’s doing so well on it that Katherine became a sales representative for the company. She’s even donating 5% of all sales to Tripawds Foundation!

Here’s their story:

Disclaimer: For the health of your pet, if you are considering CBD for your Tripawd, always discuss with your veterinarian before purchasing. 

How CBD Helps Tripawd Aksel

Tell us how Aksel did after amputation. What was her activity and mobility like?

Aksel was amputated at 3.5 mos. Life wasn’t easy for her beginning. Specialists thought she would lose both of her hind legs. We decided to take the worst one first then hoping that with therapy, exercise, diet and a whole lot of love, she could make it into adult life on the other.

She is now 4 years old and she has had a pretty amazing puppyhood. She runs and plays, mobility has been sweet for her. She cannot do stairs or jump into cars too high. That she needs Mom for. We go swimming once a week, hydrotherapy, she has a holistic vet whom has provided Shockwave Therapy and deep tissue message.

At her 3.5 year vet visit, x rays were taken and she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and acute arthritis, along with that, her lower spine is starting to fuse together with arthritis, making life as she knows it even more challenging.

Why did you decide to look into CBD?

Tripawd German Shepherd
“The bigger hurdles are yet to come.”

Being a 4 year old GSD she takes life everyday at its fullest potential. However now at the end of the day her spine and hip aches. Sometimes producing her to drag her hind leg. Her bounce being taken away from her.

Vet has suggested a supplement and additional therapy and exercise, which we are doing. However I do not want to put her on a synthetic medicine so young in her life, knowing that the bigger hurdles are yet to come.

After a great deal of research in alternative methods, I tried CBD Oil on her to calm her and hopefully make her more comfortable at the end of a long day. Saving the rest of the medicines for later, when nothing else is left.

I am giving her only 1/2 of her CDB serving with her dinner, 3 or 4 times a week. In 20 minutes her bounce is back and her aches seem manageable for her. Where before she couldn’t find a comfortable spot or whined in discomfort.

CBD has potential to be helpful for inflammation, pain, stress, anxiety, allergies, joint issues and so much more!

Why did you decide on this brand?

How CBD helps Tripawds like Aksel Rose
“In 20 minutes her bounce is back and her aches seem manageable for her”

I decided on CBD BioCare Pet Products, because they are transparent and produce the test results from a 3rd party tester. They have a ton of information from vets, and doctors. Also are:

  • Full Spectrum
  • Whole Plant Extracted
  • Non-Toxic, Non GMO
  • Veterinarian approved
  • 99% absorption when taken orally
  • Legal in all 50 states

It comes from one of the largest, federally registered producers and distributors of the highest quality medicinal hemp in the United States. Plus it is one of the only companies in the world that removes the THC from our product. They also offer 3rd party testing so you can be sure your pet is getting the purest product available.

Does your vet support the use of CBD? Did you talk to them about it?

Her vet has suggested several products holistically and although she cannot professionally at this time lay claims to it (CBD), she does not think it is a bad idea.

Did you notice changes in her mobility?

Tripawd German Shepherd dog
“her bounce is back”

Aksel’s changes in mobility will only ever be temporary. However, after giving her the suggested serving (many time less), her bounce is back and with that her demeanor has also changed. More willing, playful and relaxed. When given with her dinner, it will last the whole evening so she can relax.

Do you have a CBD story about your dog or cat? We would love to tell others how CBD helps Tripawds like yours so drop us a line!

Recommended Reading

All Tripawds Nutrition blog posts about CBD and pets.

4 thoughts on “How CBD Helps Tripawds: Aksel’s Story”

  1. That is absolutely incredible! Aksel is an amazing girl with so much to give and so much to enjoy. Her mom gives her the best of everything, keeping Aksel active, happy, and important part of her life. Kudos and hugs to Aksel and Mom – what a great team! 💖💖💖

  2. Awesome story! Yeah Aksel! You go girl! I used CBD with Thurston after his amputation and during chemo. I think it really helped but experimenting with the dosage was a challenge for the nurse in me to get exactly right! I noted He was way more calm and Thurston’s oncology team was ok with using it. I would like to know the recommended dosage for 162 pound St. Bernard Tripawd who is enjoying his life 20 months post osteosarcoma diagnosis?

    • Gloria, you’ve asked the million dollar question. As far as I know, the precise dose has not yet been determined in the scientific community, since the dosage for CBD can vary depending on the product. Some have more CBD in them than others so for now, you need to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. For a general guideline to see what worked in a clinical setting, you can check out the Cornell Study, “Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs.”

      Meanwhile I will let Aksel’s mom know you are wondering, since she can give you the dosage info for the product she represents.

    Our CBD Hemp Oil for pets is designed to offer many of the same medicinal benefits of medical marijuana without the intoxicating effects because our oil has no THC. Plus, unlike many other CBD oils on the market, our CBD is organically grown and distributed from a federally registered facility from right here in the United States. In addition, each batch of oil is carefully tested for quality and purity.

    In addition, our CBD is full spectrum which means all of the cannabinoids are present. Plus, our oil is is extracted from the flowers and leaves of naturally high CBD hemp plants which are carefully grown to produce the best quality CBD oil available.

    CBD oil is considered beneficial to any animal with a backbone because all have an endocannabinoid system.

    It’s so exciting to know that our pets can benefit from this amazing extract too. Now more than ever pet owners are looking for natural alternatives for their pets instead of standard synthetic medications. Veterinarians are seeing the results and we believe it will change how certain conditions such as anxiety, stress, tremors and seizures are treated. Just like humans, any pet with a backbone has an endocannabinoid system. That means our full spectrum oil is recognized by this system and that is why it is so effective
    So with all that said I can speak of this product only. We sell a 500mg and a 750mg.
    60 lbs and under we recommend the 500, and 750mg for over.
    Please use the link in the first paragraph to be transferred to the site, there you can click on the bottles for specific serving sizes.
    Excellent job Thurston, and Gloria please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

    Kathy and Aksel_Rose


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