Tripawds members are some of the most dedicated pet pawrents in the world. We do our best to make sure our dogs and cats are getting good nutrition and staying fit, but it can be tough to tell if they’re getting all of the vitamins and minerals and exercise needed to stay healthy and strong.

One way to tell is by looking at your dog or cat and asking yourself:
Are his eyes bright?
Does she have shiny skin and coat?
Is she full of stamina and vitality?
Is he looking overweight and sluggish?
Recently we jumped at a chance to try a new pet supplement called “SomaPet,”* because of our Wyatt Ray’s recent change in lifestyle.
You see as Chief Regulator at a Colorado dude ranch where we work each summer, this is the time of year when he’s surrounded by many more opportunities to swim, run, jump and play. If ever there’s a time that his body needs extra support, it’s now.

Eight Great Reasons to Try SomaPet
We found this 100% organic, premium supplement worthy of trying because it contains eight pure free-form L-amino acids – the building blocks of protein that promote good health and energy.
SomaPet contains:
- L-arginine
- L-lysine
- L-ornithine
- L-glutamine
- Glycine
- L-leucine
- Leucine
- L-isoleucine
- L-valine
These eight amino acids in SomaPet work together to boost critical body functions such as building strong cardiovascular and immune systems, strengthening bones and muscle, regulating blood sugar and more.
Each time SomaPet is sprinkled onto Wyatt’s morning meal, it supports the release of growth hormone from his pituitary which aids his body in cell repair and regeneration. You’ll know SomaPet is working when you see your dog or cat is enjoying:
Better Immune Function
Improved Nervous Function
Strengthened Collagen and Bone
Increased Healing
Promoted Cellular Energy
Minimized Exercise Damage
This SomaPet Informational PDF details how each amino acid works when it’s consumed every day.
SomaPet Vitality Supplement Results are In
Wyatt has been taking SomaPet for close to a month now and it’s clear that this pet health supplement is doing what it’s supposed to. He’s not slowing down despite all the extra activity he’s been getting. Each day he has more opportunities than ever to put his body to the test, and each day he bounces back from the previous one, just as healthy as ever without aches, pains or groans.

Now that Wyatt is officially “middle aged” at five years old, we’re doing our best to find nutritional supplements that will keep him strong as he enters the senior years. SomaPet is definitely going to be in our mix of nutritional aids to help him stay there.
Want to learn more? Watch this SomaPet video, then order yours today!