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Canine Cancer Care Kits Available from Aloha

Many Tripawds members may be aware that K9 Immunity and K9 Transfer Factor are canine cancer supplements from Aloha Medicinals.

But did you know the Aloha website offers much more?

In addition to a selection of Canine Cancer Home Care Books, grain-free dog food, and healthy dog treats, Aloha also offers complete canine cancer care kits.

[ Canine Cancer Kits no longer available. ]

Aloha Medicinals Canine Cancer Care Kits

Dog Cancer Diagnosis? In addition to the instructions provided by your vet, there are many other things you can do to increase the likelihood of a successful treatment. Because there are so many options available, the fine folks at Aloha know it can be hard to know which are the best things to buy for your dog.

That’s why they have assembled a kit of items they believe are most needed for addressing canine cancer care at home. In these canine cancer care kits for small and large dogs, you will get one bottle each of:

You’ll also receive a copy of Laurie Kaplan’s great book on home care treatment options, Help Your Dog Fight Cancer. This kit provides the recommended supplements regimen for approximately a full month of care, and the price is 10% off compared to buying the items separately.

Please visit the Aloha Medicinals website for complete details about their cancer care kits. While you’re their, check out the wealth of valuable information they offer. From understanding labwork values, to healthy cancer dog diets, Aloha is dedicated to helping their customers cope with a cancer diagnosis for their beloved dogs.

You can even call their Dog Cancer Hotline to discuss any concerns you have with an expert at no charge. Just be sure to tell them Tripawds sent you!

When it’s time to reorder supplements, Aloha offers discounted pricing on K9 Immunity, Transfer Factor and K9 Omega when purchased in bulk one-month supplies.

We’re not vets, and we highly recommend anyone considering supplements for their three legged  cancer hero carefully research any chosen treatment plan. But we do believe K9 Immunity helped Jerry enjoy the quality of life he did for nearly nine months after we discovered his lung mets.

4 thoughts on “Canine Cancer Care Kits Available from Aloha”

  1. I purchased the ‘K9 Immunity Plus‘ for JD.
    I can’t say if it was just time passing after her amputation or this product, but she was acting just like a puppy again. I saw energy and spunk and a return to her ‘old tricks’. Surely worth a try. Only 3 wafers a day for a dog weighing 90 pounds made it easy.
    Oh yea she thought they were tasty too.

    Angel JD’s mom

  2. we definitely think the K-9 products (we use all three) have helped improve and maintain the quality of gayle’s life. it’s an investment, but one we feel is well worth it!!



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