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Dilly Survives Mast Cell Grade II Cancer for 9 Years

We are proud to share the following story of fifteen year-old Dilly, a nine year – yes, nine year! – survivor of facial Mast Cell Grade II Cancer. Tripawds member gina provides information about Dilly’s homeopathic supplements and nutrition plan that were prescribed by Dr. Charles Loops, who we’ve been writing about lately. Here’s Dilly’s story:

“Dilly is my 15 year old American Pit Bull Terrier. I have had her since she was 7 weeks old. She came from a nice and knowledgeable breeder, so unlike many of these misunderstood dogs. She has always been a complete joy to every human that has met her. The best word that can describe her is ‘Dilly.’

Dilly had a swelling that would come and go, starting in the summer of 2001. She was 6 years old at the time. I thought it was an old, migrating porcupine quill so I ignored it for a few months. When it was hot or she was excited, it swelled. It was about the size of a pencil eraser. Finally, in October 2001, I decided to explore it but when I did, I quickly knew it was something else. The tissue appeared very different than healthy tissue. I sent a small piece in for biopsy. It came back Mast Cell Cancer grade II. That gave Dilly a 50/50 chance of survival, according to the pathologist.

The conventional veterinarian that I worked for then suggested that he completely remove the facial area involved and that she be started on Prednisone. I did not want my beautiful dog’s face distorted (I know that is a vain reason, but it is how I felt then) and I did not want to start a suppressive drug such as Prednisone, if I could at all help it.

I was very familiar with a Homeopathic Veterinarian Dr. Charlie Loops. He had helped me keep my beloved cat Spider alive for 2 years (instead of the 2 weeks to 2 months predicted) with Chronic Renal Failure. I knew he could help Dilly for however long she was to be here with me.

She was given different on homeopathic remedies on a rotating basis, and as well as vitamins and supplements like these, mostly by Standard Process and Wysong.

Her diet was never an issue, it had always been and continues to be a raw rotation. All vaccines had been stopped previously, at the age of 2, because of allergic responses to them.

Well, that diagnosis was 9 years ago. Needless to say I am blessed to still have her here with me. She has difficulty moving about these days, at 15 years old, but she still LOVES to eat and socialize. Her vision is PERFECT and her hearing is only slightly diminished. She makes it outdoors every time for potty breaks and enjoys the sun beams in the summer. I have to believe this is possible because of Dr. Loops work and the lifestyle I chose for her. I know that not all cases will go as well as but I am glad for every day that Dilly is here with me. “

9 thoughts on “Dilly Survives Mast Cell Grade II Cancer for 9 Years”

  1. Yay Dilly Bean!!! πŸ™‚

    Cousin Maggie will be visiting soon to see her bestest cousin !

    My hope is Dr. Loops will keep Mags around a very long time just like Dilly πŸ™‚

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  2. Dilly……you sweetheart!!!! what a great aunt you are!!! you are lucky to have such a knowledgable mom!!! Thanks for being around to help Joy grow up!!!! You are looking great!!

  3. We are sad to report that Dilly passed away in early 2011, but take comfort in knowing that she had a long, beautiful life despite all the odds. She will be deeply missed.

  4. Awe Jerry, thanks for reporting this. Dilly lived to be 16 1/2 years old. Her ole’ body just couldn’t stand her age any longer but her spirit was great! Gina gave her the best all her life..

    Tracy, Dilly’s Auntie πŸ™‚


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