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When Surgery and Chemo Are Not Enough to Fight Dog Cancer

Nothing is scarier than hearing your dog’s vet say the word “cancer.” If you’re swimming in the midst this frightening diagnosis, remember: you are not alone and your dog’s life isn’t over. Although fifty percent of all dogs will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, a diagnosis not an instant death sentence when you stop to look at treatment options.

Stay Strong, Fight Back

Take for instance, Bart, an AKC champion hunting Vizsla who was first diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2008. At the unthinkable age of just three years old, he developed an osteosarcoma tumor that required an immediate leg amputation and chemotherapy treatments in order to save his life.

Three Legged Vizsla Cancer Hero Bart
Bart the Extraordinary Vizsla

His mom Darcy looks back on that fearful time and remembers;

“I felt confused, scared and determined…mostly determined,” she says. As Darcy stayed focus for Bart’s sake, she discovered that she knew one thing for sure: “Cancer was not going to take my boy!”

And thanks to a process called “Immunotherapy,” it didn’t. Bart is one of over a million dogs who successfully fought cancer by activating the immune system’s cancer-fighting response with naturally-occurring compounds derived from certain species of mushrooms, including PSK, polysacharide K, found in the mushroom Coriolus versicolor, and a substance called Lentinan, derived from shitake mushrooms.

Recognize, Destroy, Repeat

Historically, Western medicine uses the same primary methods to destroy and manage cancer tumors in people and animals: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. And while they are effective treatments for removing or shrinking tumors, what these methods cannot do is address the underlying reason for the cancer tumors; the immune system’s failure to recognize and destroy “bad” cancer cells.

Fight dog cancer with K9 Immunity

A secondary method that can fulfill this role is a process called immunotherapy. By using a powerful combination of the three most widely used anticancer compounds in the world today, an all-natural, American-made supplement called K9 Immunity™ can jump start this process and train the immune system to recognize, destroy and prevent cancer cells from overtaking the body.

K9 Immunity is a robust combination of organic compounds derived from six species of American grown, laboratory cultivated medicinal mushrooms, as well as nearly 200 other closely related immune-active polysaccharides which trigger other aspects of immune function.

More Energy, Better Quality of Life

Increased energy is one of the benefits of introducing immunotherapy to your cancer fighting toolkit. Karen’s 14-year old Pug Tani is a perfect example.

Tani, 14 years and thriving

This senior girl had three mast cell cancer tumors removed in 2007 and when a recurrence occurred four years later, Karen says “I added K9 Immunity Plus to her diet in the Summer of 2011 and within a week or so I noticed an improvement in her energy level.”

Another Tripawds member, Sally, says she had the same experience when her 125-pound Bull Mastiff, Happy Hannah went through four rounds of chemotherapy to fight osteosarcoma.

Happy Hannah and Sally

“I observed a higher energy level when she was on K9 Immunity Plus and Apocaps and felt like I observed a slightly lower energy level when she was off them,” she says.

“Do I believe these supplements have given her an extra boost of quality extended time? Yes!”

As thousands of dog parents like Darcy, Karen and Sally have experienced, K9 Immunity and its companion products including Transfer Factor, K9 Omega and Apocaps can add a powerful boost to your dog’s health that results in more energy and a better quality of life, even while fighting nature’s most dreaded disease.

K9 Immunity, Apocaps: a Powerful Combo
Orders may be placed any time of day or night by visiting or, or by dialing their toll-free number
1 (888) 366-3641. They also have friendly and knowledgeable staff who can answer your questions during normal business hours by calling their hotline at 1 (775) 883-1974, Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm (PST).

*This post is sponsored by K9 Medicinals. Tripawds has been compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits of K9 Immunity. We only share information we feel is relevant and beneficial to our readers. Neither K9 Medicinals nor the manufacturer of K9 Immunity are responsible for the content of this article.

4 thoughts on “When Surgery and Chemo Are Not Enough to Fight Dog Cancer”

  1. Hope everyone finds this helpful AND encouraging!

    And, of course, it’s such fun to see the pics of Tani, Bart and HappyHannah. And it’s also serious visual proof of three dogs who used K9 Immunity and all feel they received, or are continuing to receive, extended quality time as a result.

    Thank you for continuing to put forth such valuable information.

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. For us who do not live in the US and / or don’t have the access:

    – Canned mushrooms (probiotic too)
    – Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) stimulates immune system and is anti inflammatory. Try opening capsule and pour over food if impossible to give a whole capsule.

    We share this cancer fighting mix to put on the food with our dogs: Olive oil with a mix of turmeric, black pepper, ginger, paprika and oregano (+garlic for us and rosmary, basil … ).

    Now and then I put garlic in it for my Rottweiler, who has tumours in almost all vital organs, not recommended for dogs, but cancer fighting, I’ve nothing to loose …

    Much broccoli and other veggies, as much as possible.

    Hope other dog lovers can use this for their pets, and for peple, too, of course.

    Thanks for your interesting info, good to learn from.



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