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Tripawds Scream for Ice Cream

With so much talk about ice cream in the forums, we though we’d share a couple recipes for favorite frozen treats from Tripawds members.

Simple Homemade Salmon Popsicle Recipe

Anyemery says…

We make home made salmon “popsicles” for Holly.


  • Canned Salmon
  • Water

We use either small plastic snack bags or small yogurt containers.  Put a spoon or two of salmon in each baggie or container.  Add a little of the juice from the can, and some water until it’s about half full – perhaps 1/4 – 1/3 c of water.  Freeze.

It is easier to eat if you lay the baggie flat – then it won’t be a huge ice chunk.  Depending on your dog, of course – some may like the bigger ice chunk!  When ready to serve, pop it out of the baggie or yogurt container.

WARNING: These are really smelly – best eaten outside or on an old towel or two that can be tossed in the wash!

These help keep a dog hydrated in hot weather, too!

Homemade Frozen Yogurt Dog Treat Recipe

Rubydawg gets yummy homemade frozen treats too…

Here’s the recipe she used:

  • 3 Ripe Bananas (mashed)
  • 3 T Peanut Butter
  • 32 oz. Plain Yogurt

Combine with mixer or blender. Freeze thoroughly in small cups, ice cube trays or ziplock bags. (Remove from cups or bags before feeding.)

Healthy Homemade Ice cream and Cookies for Dogs

Even cometdog shared her favorite cool concoction, and then some …

  • Large Container of Low Fat Yogurt
  • 4 fresh/frozen strawberries
  • 1 table spoon of honey or peanut butter

Mix in Blender. Pour into a 4 oz. “To Go” dipping sauce type container with lid. (can be purchased from a bulk item store or restaurant supplier) Freeze. Remove lid and serve in container. Makes about 16 servings. [NOTE: Remove from container before serving if your dog gobbles treats down fast!]

Add cookies to…

Okay, since we’re all eating ice cream that has sugar – I thought I’d share Comet’s peanut butter cookies that she loves!  They are a tad bit healthier than regular cookies and they are so easy!

For us older folks, you may remember this recipe from a long time ago.  It actually originated from Laura Scutter’s (peanut butter maker).

  • 1 large egg
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of peanut butter  (creamy is better)

Mix egg and sugar until creamed  first – then mix in peanut butter.   Roll into balls and flatten with fork or bottom of glass.  Cook for 10 minutes at 400 degrees.  (1 minute less if it’s a dark cookie sheet)

Done.  It’s so easy!  And to me, so much better than regular peanut butter cookies.  The old recipe called for 1 cup of sugar but I think they are too sweet.  They are almost like the insides of a Reese’s peanut butter cup but look just like a peanut butter cookie. We make these all the time around here and Comet waits in the kitchen until they are ready.  She can’t understand why she can’t have one as soon as they come out of the oven!

Tip:  For humans – add a Hersey’s Kiss on top immediately after they have cooked. YUM!

Do you have a favorite healthy homemade dog treat recipe you’d like to share? Let us know!

3 thoughts on “Tripawds Scream for Ice Cream”

  1. Really? I would not give sugar like this to a dog.

    I am glad for the ice cream recipe. Could I substitute soy milk, I wonder.


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